For many years, I have been a great proponent of creating empowering statements of intention.
Empowering intentions can be created on the fly, developed in the mind, or carefully constructed in writing.
I like to start with an overarching intention. By overarching, I mean an intention which is comprehensive, broad, or general. My personal favorite is: to be authentic and live in integrity.
It is the essence of the intention that really matters, not the mechanics or the wording. That being said, if you spend time on the words and process, you will get clearer about your true intention.
It is most helpful when the stated intention stands on its own. However, I have noticed that an intention can often be uplifted by adding a phrase. Three of my favorites are:
… or better.
… with grace and ease.
… for the highest good of all.
I encourage you to play with these ideas, because they can help you to focus all your thoughts and activities.
Make This an Intentional Day!
I made them so we will never forget the journey we walked together! We went from total strangers to The Trek Tribe, a group of people who created a sense of belonging because we all suffered the same deep pain and losses.
And THAT is something I will never forget! I NEED this T-shirt as a treasured memoir forever!!!
I LOVE YOU!!! ❤ ❤ ❤
Tressy Will be Live With Mark on his platforms June 30, 5pm PST, 7pm CST, 8pm EST
R-E-S-P-E-C-T #012: With Julie & Thomas of the Vibe Tribe, Bishop Jim O’Connor, & Theresa Griffith
Today, Sunday on RESPECT, we’ve all been stressed, weary, and war torn wondering when this movie will finally end, and what new surprises the Great Awakening will bring us all. This is why we’re bringing you a special round table discussion with Julie and Thomas of the Vibe Tribe, Bishop James O’Connor, and Theresa “Tressy Trek” Griffith to Helping the Patriot community learn how spiritualism can teach us to calm our minds and souls, and ready us to ascend. Join us tomorrow night at 8pm for RESPECT!
Years ago, I was inspired to create this pithy quote after observing caustic criticisms about those who were complaining about something on social media.
Many who complain about complaining are unable to discern if a comment is a personal attack, a whiny complaint, an idea for improvement, or a perspective that differs from their own.
When groups shut down conversations that could be empowering if managed properly, the group and its members are shortchanged.
In the current world situation, this dynamic is heightened, often with tones of superiority from the complainers.
When we practice true listening, most complaining dissolves naturally. Allowing differences to be expressed benefits a group and its members.
When we are truly living in the consciousness of Love, the idea of Oneness is magnificent beyond words. Until then, we need to share our different perspectives authentically and kindly to lift us all to higher consciousness.
Make This a Listening Day!